Praise for Introduction to Constitutional Law
"The descriptions by Professors Barnett and Blackman emphasize what students need to know in order to master this material for their exams and for their careers. Professors Barnett and Blackman present the material with great clarity. The videos provide the students another way of learning the material and wonderfully complement the textual descriptions. Although many of the cases are controversial, Professors Barnett and Blackman present them in an unbiased and ideologically neutral manner."
- Erwin Chemerinsky, University of California, Berkeley School of Law
"Randy Barnett and Josh Blackman have created a remarkable guide to what they label the 100 most important Supreme Court cases in our history. Students (and their teachers) should especially profit from the multimedia blend of information and analysis. Inevitably there will be quibbles about some few cases included and, therefore, others left out, but if I am typical, most legal academics will agree with at least 90% of their choices, which is impressive indeed. This may prove to be a true event in legal education--and not only for law students."
- Sanford V. Levinson, University of Texas at Austin School of Law
"Barnett and Blackman have made learning the basics of American constitutional law as painless and as fun as possible. The case discussions are concise; the videos are full of fascinating pictures and historical details. If you think you might be interested in Constitutional Law, this is a great way to get started."
- Jack M. Balkin, Yale Law School
"The pithy, lively, and occasionally opinionated, but always fair-minded chapters and videos provide all of the essentials of the key cases of the constitutional canon, clarifying and summarizing without ever dumbing down."
- Michael Dorf, Cornell Law School
"A very accessible guide by two outstanding constitutional scholars to many cases that are taught in almost every class in constitutional law and a few cases that should be taught in almost every class in constitutional law."
- Mark Graber, University of Maryland School of Law
"A useful, impressive, and innovative introduction to the history of American constitutional law. Accessible to the beginning student and still helpful to the advanced student. A new approach for a new generation of students. Raises the bar on how to make these complex cases understandable."
- Keith E. Whittington, Princeton University
"Randy Barnett and Josh Blackman have done it again! Two of our nation's most brilliant scholars and teachers of the Constitution have teamed up to create a magnificent set of new teaching materials. 100 Supreme Court Cases Everybody Should Know is an endlessly rich and deeply rewarding resource for understanding the U.S. Constitution. Novices and experts alike will benefit from the Barnett-Blackman treasure trove."
- Michael Stokes Paulsen, University of St. Thomas School of Law
"A strong supplement that provides the legal and political context for the most significantSupreme Court cases. It provides important background for all constitutional law students."
- William Baude, University of Chicago Law School