100 Supreme Court Cases

Sorted Chronologically
Sorted by Topic

Case heard by 

  1. The Jay Court

    (1789 - 1795)

  2. The Marshall Court

    (1801 - 1835)

  3. The Taney Court

    (1836 - 1864)

  4. The Chase Court

    (1864 - 1873)

  5. The Waite Court

    (1874 - 1888)

  6. The Fuller Court

    (1888 - 1910)

  7. The White Court

    (1910 - 1921)

  8. The Taft Court

    (1921 - 1930)

  9. The Hughes Court

    (1930 - 1941)

  10. The Stone Court

    (1941 - 1946)

  11. The Vinson Court

    (1946 - 1953)

  12. The Warren Court

    (1953 - 1969)

  13. The Burger Court

    (1969 - 1986)

  14. The Rehnquist Court

    (1986 - 2005)

  15. The Roberts Court

    (2005 - Present)

  1. Foundational Cases on Constitutional Structure

  2. Enumerated Powers

  3. Federalism Limits on Congressional Power

  4. The Executive Power

  5. The Separation of Powers

  6. Slavery and The Reconstruction Amendments

  7. Expanding the Scope of the Due Process Clause

  8. Equal Protection of the Law: Discrimination on the Basis of Race

  9. Equal Protection of the Law: Sex Discrimination and Other Types

  10. Modern Substantive Due Process

  11. Freedom of Speech

  12. The Free Exercise of Religion

  13. No Law Respecting an Establishment of Religion

  14. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

  15. Taking Private Property for Public Use